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W A Y U P 

It's Only WayUp From Here 

The WayUp Network is changing the game in the way we operate as a W(HOL)E.


This includes individually within ourselves, as well as with others and the world around us. Here at the WayUp Network, we are determined to bridge the gap between Mind| Body| Spirit| in order to help you authentically live your best life, by guiding you towards the path that allows you to be able to create a better, overall, quality of life.


How We Do It

We believe you ARE more and there IS more to life than the adversities we face. With that thought in mind, we've rooted our practice in the terms Holistic & Network.


The term (HOL)ISTIC in philosophy is characterized by the parts of something as intimately interconnected and can only be understood when the whole of something or someone is taken into account. In medicine it is characterized by the treatment of the whole person, by taking into account the mental, emotional and spiritual factors, rather than just the symptoms of a physical disease. This is the relation to ourselves.


The term (NET)WORK is characterized as a group or system of interconnected people or things. This is the relation to others and the world around us.

Together, this concept suggests that as we are individually interconnected to ourselves, in the same way, we are interconnected to each other and the world around us. The status of our internal state, reflects the status of our external experiences and vice versus. Therefore, we need to look at all parts of ourselves and experiences as a whole, in order to truly overcome adversity in the most efficient way. The secret to life is mastering energy, and we're here to show you how to do it in a way that works for you, the w(hol)e you.


The Purpose

When you learn how to master energy, you learn how to properly care for each intimately interconnected part of yourself. Doing this helps you create the proper balance within your own unique self and when you create the proper balance within your own unique self, you can then create the proper and most healthiest balance within your connections and other life experiences-- which in return, allows you to create, the best, overall quality of life. How to, you say? That's where the WayUp Network comes in!


Whether you find yourself struggling with or curious about:


MindMental & Emotional Matters

 Body| Your Physical World

Spirit| Spiritual Health


We offer a variety of services to help you with exactly what you need, no matter where you're at along your journey.


The Goal

Putting in work towards total alignment in exchange for the best overall quality of life. You have questions, we have answers and together we will create an action plan against adversity to get you headed down the path of alignment whilst you authentically live your best life.


Let's get YOU there. All of YOU. The W(HOL)E YOU.


With All My Love & Gratitude,

xo, Ashley Forbes


Connect With The WayUp Network

I look forward to speaking with you!

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